Saturday, 19 April 2014

Still on the Retro Road Trip of 2014 . . ..

Out in the middle of nowhere, you find gems of stores... Today, travelling from one small country town to another, I stopped at Lockhart, NSW; where I found one Op-Shop (closed), right next door to Ginge & Fluffs Secondhand Shop (open), just a few storefronts away from the local craft shop selling locally made patchwork quilts and jams & pickles. (yummy homemade apple pie for afternoon tea!)

Sorry about the glare on the business card guys, but the Winkle was the focus of my picture!

Ginge & Fluffs can also be found on Facebook - I found my first Winkle there on this Road Trip and followed it up with a couple of other treasures......a piece of YELLOW depression glass; a cake stand that I cannot identify the pattern until I'm home with my books and a small mid-century hanging nic-nac shelf.

I'll certainly be including this shop on my next Southern NSW travels.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Retro Girl on Tour

Having a couple of weeks on holiday - what does this Retro Girl do?  First thing to check out in any of the country towns I stop at... the Op Shop.. 
Sadly though, many shops are now weeding out their wares, and trying to display a more boutique approach.   That just won't do...  I love weeding through the piles of miss-matched crockery. 
I do however, try to contribute a little bit to each community I visit.

Today, bliss of bliss - I found a shop dedicated to the love of RETRO !

THE RETRO SHOP in Finley, in Southern New South Wales... heaven on a stick!

Bec, the owner is knowledgeable about her topic and has a wide selection of well displayed items for sale.

It is always lovely to find items priced reasonably and correctly labelled.  Part of my slightly obsessive nature, is that I cannot stand to see items with an incorrect tag.  I feel that if the wrong information is passed on, that could dissuade a future collector.

You can find Bec and her shop on Facebook.  Better still, if you are in the area..... call in and see for yourself!!

On another's my latest purchase :  A beautiful green art-glass vase.  It is hand blown and a tree is formed on either side.   Sweet!   It may not be very old, but something about it called to me from the dark recess of the stallholders stand